Juilee Pryor
Instamatic Images

One of the many pleasures photography has given me over the years has been in the use of tiny outdated 'toy' cameras and out of date film. In this gallery I present a selection of images taken with little Instamatic camera. The Instamatic was a series of inexpensive, easy-to-load 126 and 110 cameras made by Kodak beginning in 1963. The Instamatic was immensely successful, introducing a generation to low-cost photography. Now in the digital age using a camera like this is a revelation.

Can't resist a selfie with my low fi plastic fantastic camera ...

Here is an Instamatic image of Newtown's most famous mural in the rain ... shot with my trusty little plastic fantastic camera using black and white cartridge film that was five years out of date ...

King Street in Newtown is the main drag so to speak and it's always vibrant and visually exciting ... so what better than to capture that timeless interest than with my little plastic fantastic Instamatic camera ...

What better way to immortalize a defunct artifact than with a defunct old camera using out of date black and white film ...

Sydney is a beautiful modern city with many glorious new buildings yet still to be found are many old relics from time past and it has been my pleasure to capture them with a camera that could also be described as an old relic ...

Old and cheap combination seating and steps in a public place. I love to find the latent beauty in disregarded areas of my town like this very low cost seating in a University I once worked at ...

These stylish apartments make a perfect subject for my restless eye and my tiny old Instamatic camera. They are in Leichhardt in the Inner West of Sydney and surround the very trendy shopping centre of the Italian Forum on Norton Street ...

All around Sydney are remnant bits of glorious architecture from times past. This old building is down near Central Station and I love the look of it so it was a perfect subject for a shot with my lovely little Instamatic camera ...

Public artworks can be a vexed question to many but this towering sculpture at the main bus stand down near Central Station is a perfect fit with the area it's located in. It is also perfect for the tiny plastic lens in my tiny plastic camera ...

This old Gothic Cathedral in Sydney delights me with it's epic stone work and glorious crenelations and I couldn't resist taking a photo with my funny little toy camera ...

Even the most ordinary of subjects can be made mysterious by using a low fi low res toy camera ...

Just an ordinary set of concrete steps down to the beach and that makes it a perfect place to use the Instamatic camera ...

Just an ordinary parking area where I once worked with a funny smiling bit of rubbish which caught my eye ...

Sydney has more than it's fair share of beautiful beaches and harbours and this tiny sliver of reality was shot in a tiny harbour down the coast from Sydney shortly after dawn when the fishing fleet had just returned and the local pelicans had assembled to beg for scraps ... and that of course brought out the photographers as well ...

Actually it's not really that mysterious unless you are somewhat over imaginative ... it's a place for firemen to attach their hoses but it's also a great shape and a perfect subject for a shot with my little Instamatic camera ...

An ordinary park bench in a quiet part of the park ... perfect for a quick image making sojourn with my little toy cameras ...

There was a large enclosure of Peacocks right behind the place I used to work and I tried many times to photograph them with many different types of cameras and this is what came out of the Instamatic ...

These stunning wild roses may have been better served by being photographed for posterity with a better camera but this moody image made with my little Instamatic makes me very happy ...

One of the most attractive and also most annoying things about using relics of past to take photographs with is the persistent lack of control it gives you over the image ... which is why I persist with using it of course .... the soft low fi resolution of this ordinary pond is so dreamy as a result and I love that aspect of using my little Instamatic camera ...

Sydney is blessed with a gorgeous climate and that means there are always palm trees swaying gently somewhere or the other ... nature always seems to respond well to my forays into it with one of my funny little cameras ...

Another version of the ever present Palm trees in my town ... always elegant and interesting and forever suitable for photographic intervention with a tiny toy camera ...

A simple shot of a rather battered but still elegant Banana tree in my back yard in Sydney. These trees are not the most beautiful or sought after additions for most gardeners but perfect to waste a few frames of film with while playing around with one of my funny little old cameras ...

One of the most interesting things about using out of date film and old cameras is the way light leaks effect the film and while one usually has no control over that it's something I love to see in my images ...

I love to hang around in parks and gardens and love to take experimental shots with one of my many old and battered toy camera's ... also known as 'wasting film' ... but sometimes there is a hidden beauty just waiting to be revealed ...

There's nothing quite as evocative of summer as a row of agapanthus in full flower. Living in a frost free climate like I do there are always beautiful arrays of flowers to shoot with my fantastic Instamatic camera ...

Sometimes the relentless lack of clarity and perfection that an Instamatic camera brings is just perfect for an otherwise tediously beautiful little pond ...